Our mission: to help in the transition from drinker of quantity to drinker of quality. Along the way, we'll have some laughs, or someone's catching heck. Prolly me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tecate Michelada

Photo by Nick de la Torre
I woke up last Saturday after much celebrating with my brother in Chicago - great brother, great town.  Accompanied by his roomate we headed to a taco place called Big Star to get our heads together. We got seated at the bar and ordered a round of micheladas, made with tecate and a mixture (roughly speaking) of tomato juice, spices, lime, and hotsauce (probably some other stuff too), served on ice in a beerglass with a salted rim (remaining 1/2 can of tecate on the side).

There was an approximate "mexican bloody mary" vibe but the beer was very light and added a quality like seltzer, beer seltzer, which lightened up the drink and embodied refreshing - not at all thick like a bloody mary.  Great flavor, and the salt and heat made you thirsty as you were drinking, which was instantly refreshed and quenched as you drank more - rinse and repeat. Highly satisfying.

I meant it when I said I could stay there all day... settled for a half day.
No tried and true recipe to offer up here, so rather than spring something untested on you, you can either go check out Big Star if you get a chance (great cheap eats), or look up some recipes on the web and experiment at home.  My kind of science.


  1. Beer seltzer!?

    Great article, and welcome aboard Clash! I recommend we try to recreate this cocktail in the lab!

  2. I'm going to Mexico in a few days. Is there something you want me to try? (involving drinks)

  3. try a pina colada with breakfast - can't be beat
